Now that we know different types of wooden doors, it is easier to decide which doors do we want for our house. Door are not only functional, they also add to the beauty of your house. So you should carefully think about what you want to spend on doors.
On more thing, in modern designs; open spaces are highly encouraged. While the doors can look beautiful and they ensure the privacy of room; they also make the rooms small and boxy. Where possible, avoid the use of doors and instead use open arches, or partition doors if you can. Open walls make the space feel less boxy and it also improves fresh air and light flow.
This doesn’t mean that privacy is not important. Most definitely you should have doors for bedroom and bathrooms, including the main Entrance door. Just think about if you need a door between drawing and dining room, or if you would prefer open kitchen? These are just some examples, think before you decide.
We are going with a middle approach. Our bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens will definitely have doors but the living area will be open. Same goes for the drawing and dining rooms. We think this way we can ensure privacy and also make the rooms appear open and less-boxy.
Sweet. What about the Doors?
Yes, the doors. We decided to use a combination of door types. For Entrance and Terrace doors, we decided to install Solid Wooden doors.
These are double-leaf doors and obviously they should look beautiful, but they also give (sort of a) first impression to an outsider’s eye. Anyone walking down the street may look at our house and say: “Wah, Nice design and great doors. They must have installed the same quality beautiful doors through out the house“. See? First impression is the last impression.
For all the inner doors, we didn’t compromise on the looks, but they definitely lag behind in the quality department. We chose Press/Panel Doors.
These are single-leaf doors. They look beautiful but they are (not in any way) as strong as durable as a solid wooden door, but I think they are strong enough to be an ‘Inner door’. Plus side is that we saved a ton of money by purchasing these doors and not the solid wood ones.
For our Mumty door, we went with a simple Iron Sheet Door. This door won’t be use much (at-least not multiple times a day) and it will face the harsh weather conditions. Wooden door won’t last here much long, so its better to use a simple Iron door.
This week we installed all the doors. We haven’t polished them yet, but I’m sure they will look more beautiful then they look now. See gallery below:
Let us know your thoughts. If you have any question or suggestion, feel free to comment below.